Emerson Drive Northeast

Emerson Drive Northeast is a street with a maximum speed of 40 mph with two lanes in Palm Bay. In the area there are, inter alia, 16 bus stops.

Pin to show location on the map Emerson Drive Northeast

type of road
District road
Maximum speed
40 mph
Bus stop
Emerson Drive / Pendleton Avenue (Southwest Corner), Emerson Drive / Bellevue Street (Northeast Corner), Emerson Drive / Americana Boulevard (Sothwest Corner), Emerson Drive / Pendleton Avenue (Northwest Corner), Emerson Drive / Bellevue Street (Northwest Corner), Emerson Drive / Americana Boulevard (Sotheast Corner), Emerson Drive / Pepper Street (Northwest Corner), Emerson Drive / Nesbitt Street (Southwest Corner), Emerson Drive / Nesbitt Street (Southeast Corner), Emerson Drive / Lexington Street (Northwest Corner), Emerson Drive / Fairhaven Street (Northwest Corner), Emerson Drive / Hurst Road (Southeast Corner), Emerson Drive / Hawthorne Lane (Northwest Corner), Emerson Drive / Forest Street (Northeast Corner), Emerson Drive / Hawthorne Lane (Northeast Corner), Emerson Drive / Hurst Road (Northeast Corner)
Dollar General
Lockmar Baptist Church