Westmoreland Drive

Westmoreland Drive is a street with one lane in Orlando. In the area there are, inter alia, twelve bus stops.

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type of road
District road
New Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Behind the Veil Ministries, Church of Christ, Church of God
Bus stop
N. Westmoreland Dr. and Bentley St., N. Westmoreland Dr. and W. Amelia St., N. Westmoreland Dr. and W. Livingston St., N. Westmoreland Dr. and W. Robinson St., N. Westmoreland Dr. and W. Washington St., N. Westmoreland Dr. and Macbro Ct., N. Westmoreland Dr. and W. Central Blvd., S. Westmoreland Dr. and W. Church St., S. Westmoreland Dr. and W. South St., S. Westmoreland Dr. and W. Anderson St., S. Westmoreland Dr. and Conley St., S. Westmoreland Dr. and W. Gore St.