Monmouth Road

Monmouth Road is an asphalted street with a maximum speed of 40 mph with two lanes in Monmouthshire, Raglan. In the area there are 22 bus stops and a pub.

Pin to show location on the map Monmouth Road

type of road
District road
Maximum speed
40 mph
Bus stop
Castle Turn (before), Castle Turn (after), Wilcae Bridge (SW-bound), Wilcae Bridge (NE-bound), Twyn Lane, Twyn Lane (NE-bound), Berllanderi (SW-bound), Berllanderi (NE-bound), Ton Cottages (opposite), Ton Cottages (outside), Woodland View (SW-bound), Woodland View (NE-bound), Trostrey (SE-bound), Trostrey (NW-bound), Birchgrove (N-bound), Birchgrove (S-bound), Hall Inn (outside), Hall Inn (opposite), Orchard House (NE-bound), Orchard House (SW-bound), Park House (opposite), Orchard House (outside)
The Hall Inn