147th Avenue

147th Avenue is an asphalted street with a maximum speed of 25 mph with two lanes in Queens County. In the area there are, inter alia, 20 bus stops.

Pin to show location on the map 147th Avenue

type of road
Maximum speed
25 mph
Bus stop
147th Avenue & Springfield Lane, 147th Avenue & 184th Street, 147th Avenue & 182nd Street, 147th Avenue & Guy R Brewer Boulevard, 147th Street & Guy R Brewer Boulevard, 147th Avenue & 249th Street, 147th Avenue & Huxley Street, 147th Avenue & Brookville Boulevard, 147th Avenue & Edgewood Street, 147th Avenue & Francis Lewis Boulevard, 147th Avenue & 256th Street, 147th Avenue & 257th Street, 147th Avenue & 258th Street, 147th Avenue & 253rd Street, 147th Avenue & 231st Street, 147th Avenue & 230th Street, 147th Avenue & 232nd Street, 147th Avenue & 228th Street, 147th Avenue & 225th Street, 147th Avenue & 230th Place
Car repair
Tractor Trailer Repair, East Coast Auto Plaza