North Lindbergh Boulevard

North Lindbergh Boulevard is a street with a maximum speed of 45 mph with four lanes in Old Jamestown. In the area there are 13 bus stops and a school.

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type of road
Federal highway
Maximum speed
45 mph
Vossenkemper School
Bus stop
Lindbergh at Ashbury Meadows, Lindbergh at Sunland, Lindbergh at Old Halls Ferry, 4439 Lindbergh, Lindbergh at Robbins Grove, Lindbergh at Richmond Forest, Lindbergh at Behlmann Farms, Lindbergh at Jamestown Bay, Lindbergh at Delcastle, Lindbergh at Old Jamestown, Lindbergh at Robbins Mill, Lindbergh at Fox Manor, 6768 Lindbergh