JRC Mainline (Kingston to Montego Bay)
Surrey County
Kingston and Saint Andrew Corporation
JRC Mainline (Kingston to Montego Bay)
JRC Mainline (Kingston to Montego Bay)
Portmore Toll Road
Trafalgar Road
Peter tosh museum
Marcus Garvey Drive
Sampars, Dr Glass, Hunts Bay Police Station, Chad Ad Distributors
New Road
Bell Road
Majestic Pen Road
Little Bell Road
Jew Gully
Chesterfield Drive
Lucky Sports Bar
Jenny Wholesale
Jenny Gas Shop
Maggie grocery and sports bar
Peter and Heather Shop
Gyallie Shop
Barber Shop
Gipsy Shop
Alliberry Cook Shop
Grocery Shop
Olivette Zoin Gosple Assemble
Majestic Transformation Fellowship
Shawn Cook Shop
Pope shop
Gladise Shop