Mossvale Road

Mossvale Road is a street in Glasgow City. In the area there are, inter alia, eight bus stops.

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type of road
Craigend Licensed Grocer
Craigend Newsagets
Community centre
Garthamlock Family Learning Centre
Fast Food
The Craigend Chippy
Bus stop
Craigend, Mossvale Road/ Kilchoan Road, Craigend, Mossvale Road/ Mossvale Crescent, Craigend, Mossvale Road/ Collessie Drive, Craigend, Mossvale Road/ Glenraith Walk, Glasgow, Mossvale Rd/ Glenraith Path, Craigend, Mossvale Road/ Glenraith Road, Craigend, Mossvale Road/ No 96, Craigend, Mossvale Road/ Kishorn Place