Sutton Road

Sutton Road is a street with a maximum speed of 30 mph with three lanes in Walsall. In the area there are eleven bus stops, a supermarket and a school.

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type of road
Country or state road
Maximum speed
30 mph
Bus stop
Sutton Rd / Barr Beacon Crossroads, Sutton Rd / Three Crowns Garden Centre, Sutton Rd / Skip Lane, Sutton Rd / Kerry Court, Sutton Rd / Broadway North, Sutton Rd / Longwood Lane, Sutton Rd / Greaves Avene, Sutton Rd / Queen Marys Grammar School, Sutton Rd / Six Ways, Sutton Rd / Wood End Farm, Sutton Rd / Wood End Rd
Co-op Food
Mayfield Preparatory School