Magnolia Street

The Magnolia Street is a street with a maximum speed of 45 mph in Fountain Valley. In the area there are 17 bus stops and a cafe.

Pin to show location on the map Magnolia Street

type of road
Country or state road
Maximum speed
45 mph
Bus stop
Magnolia-Garfield, Magnolia-Warner, Magnolia-El Presidente, Magnolia-La Stella, Magnolia-Mint, Magnolia-Helm, Magnolia-Nile River, Magnolia-Foxglove, Magnolia-Slater, Magnolia-Rhine River, Magnolia-Ellis, Magnolia-Talbert, Magnolia-Windsor, Magnolia-Jay, Magnolia-Nightingale, Magnolia-La Paloma, Magnolia-La Roca