Northeast 12th Avenue

Northeast 12th Avenue is a street with one lane in North Miami. In the area there are 18 bus stops.

Pin to show location on the map Northeast 12th Avenue

type of road
District road
Bus stop
Northeast 12th Avenue @ Northeast 137th Street, Northeast 12th Avenue @ Northeast 143rd Street, Northeast 12th Avenue @ Northeast 146th Street, Northeast 12th Avenue @ West Dixie Highway, Northeast 12th Avenue @ Northeast 141st Street, Northeast 12th Avenue @ Northeast 148th Street, Northeast 12th Avenue @ Northeast 126th Street, Northeast 12th Avenue @ Northeast 128th Street, Northeast 12th Avenue @ Northeast 131st Street, Northeast 12th Avenue @ Northeast 133rd Street, Northeast 12th Avenue @ Northeast 136th Terrace, Northeast 12th Avenue @ Northeast 142nd Street, Northeast 12th Avenue @ Northeast 134th Street, Northeast 12th Avenue @ Northeast 132nd Street, Northeast 12th Avenue @ Northeast 130th Street, Northeast 12th Avenue @ Northeast 127th Street, Northeast 12th Avenue @ Northeast 125th Street, Northeast 12th Avenue @ Northeast 135th Street