Northwest 25th Street

The Northwest 25th Street is a street with a maximum speed of 40 mph with three lanes in Doral. In the area there are, inter alia, twelve bus stops, a fuel station and a restaurant.

Pin to show location on the map Northwest 25th Street

type of road
Country or state road
Maximum speed
40 mph
Bus stop
Northwest 25th Street @ Northwest 102nd Place, Northwest 25th Street @ Northwest 97th Avenue, Northwest@ Northwest 84th Avenue, NW 25 ST@NW 82 AV, NW 25 ST@NW 79 AV, NW 25 ST@NW 87 AV, NW 25 ST@NW 84 AV, NW 25 ST@# 8870, NW 25 ST@NW 89 PL, NW 25 ST@NW 92 AV, Northwest 25th Street @ Northwest 96th Avenue, Northwest 25th Street & Northwest 99th Avenue
Gas station
Bocas House