South Halsted Street

The South Halsted Street is a street with a maximum speed of 30 mph with two lanes in West Pullman in Chicago. In the area there are, inter alia, 13 bus stops.

Pin to show location on the map South Halsted Street

type of road
Federal highway
Maximum speed
30 mph
West Pullman, Halsted & 119th Street, Halsted & 117th Street, Halsted & 116th Street, Halsted & 118th Street, Halsted & 120th Street, 12100 S Halsted (Metra), Halsted & 122nd Street, Halsted & 123rd Street, Halsted & 124th Street, Halsted & 126th Street, Halsted & 125th Street
Bus stop
Halsted & 128th Place, Halsted & 127th Street
The Spot Social Hour