Grand Avenue

Grand Avenue is a street in Des Moines. In the area there are, inter alia, six bus stops, a bank and a doctor.

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type of road
Country or state road
Fast Food
Bank of the West
Three Way Piece No.1: Points, Animal Pyramid, Back of a Snowman (Black), Willy, White Ghost, Reclining Figure, Order, Gymnast III, Untitled, Ancient Forest, Thinker on a Rock, Seating for Eight, Back of a Snowman (White), Quantum Leaf, Juno, Spider, MOONRISE. east. august, air gets into everything even nothing, MOONRISE. east. january, Post Balzac, In the Morning, LOVE
Bus stop
Grand Ave & 16th St, Grand Ave & 10th St, Grand Ave & 12th St, Grand Ave & 14th St, Grand Ave & 3rd St, Grand Ave & 4th St
Funky Finds Vintage & Retro
Bergman Plastic Surgery