Park Heights Avenue

Park Heights Avenue is an asphalted street with a maximum speed of 30 mph with four lanes in Baltimore, Glen. In the area there are, inter alia, 15 bus stops and two schools.

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type of road
Country or state road
Maximum speed
30 mph
Bus stop
Park Heights Avenue & Glen Avenue Northbound, Park Heights Avenue & Bancroft Road Opposite Southbound, Park Heights Avenue & Fords Lane Southbound, Park Heights Avenue & Pinkney Road Southbound, Park Heights Avenue & Strathmore Avenue Southbound, Park Heights Avenue & Jewish Community Center Mid-block Northbound, Park Heights Avenue & Fords Lane Opposite Northbound, Park Heights Avenue & Pinkney Road Northbound, Park Heights Avenue & Strathmore Avenue Northbound
Beth Jacob School, Womens Institute of Torah Seminary
Park Heights Avenue & Taney Road Northbound, Park Heights Avenue & Trainor Avenue Southbound, Park Heights Avenue & Taney Road Opposite Southbound, Park Heights Avenue & Trainor Avenue Northbound, Park Heights Avenue & Menlo Drive Northbound, Park Heights Avenue & Menlo Drive Southbound, Park Heights Avenue & Northern Parkway Northbound, Park Heights Avenue & Glen Avenue Southbound