West Patapsco Avenue

West Patapsco Avenue is a street with a maximum speed of 35 mph with three lanes in Baltimore, Lakeland. In the area there are nine bus stops and a school.

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type of road
Federal highway
Maximum speed
35 mph
Bus stop
Patapsco Avenue & Janice Avenue Westbound, Patapsco Avenue & Hollins Ferry Road Westbound, Patapsco Avenue & Mallview Road Westbound, Patapsco Avenue & Lorena Avenue Far-side Eastbound, Patapsco Avenue & Elizabeth Avenue Eastbound, Patapsco Avenue & Nieman Avenue Far-side Eastbound, Patapsco Avenue & Nieman Avenue Far-side Westbound, Patapsco Avenue & Malview Avenue Opposite Eastbound, Patapsco Avenue & Hollins Ferry Road Eastbound
Baltimore Electrical JATC