Pennsylvania Avenue

Pennsylvania Avenue is an asphalted street with a maximum speed of 25 mph with two lanes in Baltimore, Sandtown-Winchester. In the area there are, inter alia, ten bus stops.

Pin to show location on the map Pennsylvania Avenue

type of road
Federal highway
Maximum speed
25 mph
Pennsylvania Avenue & North Avenue Northbound, Pennsylvania Avenue & Cumberland Street Northbound, Pennsylvania Avenue & Cumberland Street Southbound, Upton–Avenue Market
Billie Holiday Monument, Cosmogram
Bus stop
Pennsylvania Avenue & Mosher Street Southbound, Pennsylvania Avenue & Presstman Street Northbound, Pennsylvania Avenue & Hoffman Street Mid-block Northbound, Pennsylvania Avenue & Laurens Street Northbound, Pennsylvania Avenue & Hoffman Street Opposite Southbound, Pennsylvania Avenue & Mosher Street Northbound, Pennsylvania Avenue & Laurens Street Far-side Southbound, Pennsylvania Avenue & Presstman Street Southbound