Dequindre Road

Dequindre Road is a street with a maximum speed of 45 mph with five lanes in Sterling Heights. In the area there are, inter alia, 26 bus stops, two restaurants, a school and a clothing store.

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type of road
Country or state road
Maximum speed
45 mph
Bus stop
Dequindre / 15 Mile (NB), Dequindre & 14 Mile, Dequindre / 19 Mile (NB), Dequindre / Edgestone (NB), Dequindre / Chippewa (NB), Dequindre / Wessels (NB), Dequindre / Forest Mead (NB), Dequindre / 18 Mile (NB), Dequindre / Beaumont (NB), Dequindre / 17 Mile NS (NB), Dequindre / Denise (NB), Dequindre / 17 Mile (NB), Dequindre / Logan (NB), Dequindre / First Church (NB), Dequindre / Avalon (NB), Dequindre / Metro Parkway NS (NB), Dequindre / Autumn Ridge NS (NB), Dequindre / Elmcrest (NB), Dequindre / Chelsey (NB), Dequindre / Wisconsin (NB), Dequindre / Camel (NB), Dequindre / Tarry (NB), Dequindre / Oak Pointe NS (NB), Dequindre / Birmingham Jelwelry (NB), Dequindre / 14 Mile (NB), Dequindre / Metro Parkway (NB)
Korea Palace, New Delhi
Noor International Academy
Joseph's Fashion
Birmingham Jewelry
New Image Salon, Perfect Nails LLC
Travel Agency
Rena Travel & Tours, Inc