120th Avenue

120th Avenue is a street with a maximum speed of 45 mph with five lanes in Ottawa County. In the area there are, inter alia, 14 bus stops and a fuel station.

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type of road
Country or state road
Maximum speed
45 mph
Gas station
AL's One Stop
Bus stop
120th & Felch, 120th & Greenly, 120th North of Riley (Clearview Apts), 120th North of Willow Wood (Eagle Crest Academy), 120th South of Riley (Eagle Crest Academy), 120th South of Riley (Meadow Springs Apts), 120th South of Riley (Falcon Woods Apts), 120th & James (Speedway Gas Station), 120th & Garden, 120th North of Lakewood (Lakewood Family Medicine), 120th South of Lakewood, 120th & East Lakewood (Lakewood Plaza), 120th North of Lakewood, 120th North of Lakewood (Holland Township Office)