Warren Road

Warren Road is a street with a maximum speed of 40 mph with five lanes in Westland. In the area there are, inter alia, 16 bus stops, three fuel stations, a pub and a clothing store.

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type of road
Country or state road
Maximum speed
40 mph
Malarkey's Irish Pub
Bus stop
Warren / Wilderness Park (WB), Warren / Wilderness Park (EB), Warren / Golden Corral (EB), Warren / Wayne (WB), Warren / Yale (WB), Warren / Yale NS (EB), Warren / Nankin (EB), Warren / Central City (EB), Warren / Nankin (WB), Warren / Deering (EB), Warren / Gilman (EB), Warren / Harrison (EB), Warren / Middlebelt (EB), Warren / Inkter NS (EB), Warren / Hartel (EB), Warren / Garden (EB)
David's Bridal
Fast Food
Slice of the 80's, Little Caesars, Chicken Shack, Subway
Jerrys Party Store, Westland Party Store, BP Shop, Meijer
Gas station
BP, Kroger
Advance America
Auto parts
NAPA Auto Parts
Charging station
Charging Station at Westland City Hall