Hollis Avenue

Hollis Avenue is a street in Queens County. In the area there are, inter alia, 25 bus stops, two supermarkets and a restaurant.

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type of road
Secondary road
Hollis Avenue Congregational Church, United Apostolic Tabernacle
Fast Food
Dunkin', Maya's Garden, Kennedy Fried Chicken, New Pizza Place, Zion Organic Inc
Chef To Go Cuisine
Bus stop
Hollis Avenue & 102nd Avenue, Hollis Avenue & 100th Avenue, Hollis Avenue & 191st Street, Hollis Avenue & 99th Avenue, Hollis Avenue & 207th Street, Hollis Avenue & 208th Street, Hollis Avenue & 211th Street, Hollis Avenue & 212th Street, Hollis Avenue & 214th Street, Hollis Avenue & 212th Place, Hollis Avenue & 215th Street, Hollis Avenue & 216th Street, Hollis Avenue & 217th Place, Hollis Avenue & 217th Lane, Hollis Avenue & 201st Street, Hollis Avenue & 203rd Street, Hollis Avenue & 109th Avenue, Hollis Avenue & 195th Street, Hollis Avenue & 104th Avenue, Hollis Avenue & 197th Street, Hollis Avenue & 198th Street, Hollis Avenue & 199th Street, Hollis Avenue & 190th Street, Hollis Avenue & 204th Street, Hollis Avenue & Francis Lewis Boulevard
Compare Foods, Bravo
Hollis Hardware
Hollis Liquor & Wine