Avenida Manuel Fernández Juncos

Avenida Manuel Fernández Juncos is a street in Carolina. In the area there are, inter alia, five bus stops, a school and a fuel station.

Pin to show location on the map Avenida Manuel Fernández Juncos

type of road
District road
Bus stop
PR-874 (Av. Manuel Fernández Juncos) & C. El Mulato, PR-874 (Av. Manuel Fernández Juncos) & C. 33, PR-874 (Av. Manuel Fernández Juncos) & C. 31, PR-874 (Av. Manuel Fernández Juncos) & C. Luis Muñoz Rivera, PR-874 (Av. Manuel Fernández Juncos) & Esc. de Bellas Artes
Escuela Luis Muñoz Rivera
CDT Doctores Villalobos
Gas station
Doctors' Center Hospital Carolina