Allens Avenue

Allens Avenue is an asphalted street with a maximum speed of 35 mph with four lanes in Providence. In the area there are 14 bus stops and a doctor.

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type of road
Federal highway
Maximum speed
35 mph
Providence Community Health Center
Bus stop
Allens opposite Motiva Enterprises, 642 Allens, Ernest & Allens (before Ernest), Allens opposite I-95 North (On-Ramp), Allens at I-95 North (On-Ramp), 307 Allens, Allens after Pleasure, Allens before Georgia, Allens before Baker, Ernest & Allens (opposite Ellenfield), Allens after Carolina, Allens before Lehigh, Allens at Lehigh Metals Corporation, Allens between Bay and O'Connell