Manton Avenue

Manton Avenue is a street in Providence. In the area there are, inter alia, 31 bus stops and a fuel station.

Pin to show location on the map Manton Avenue

type of road
Country or state road
Bus stop
Manton opposite Westcott, Opposite 985 Manton, 989 Manton, Manton opposite Delaine, Manton opposite Lynch, Manton before Julian, Manton opposite Pope, Manton before Pope, Manton after Lynch, Manton opposite Panay, Manton after Panay, Manton & Atwells (after Salmon), Manton & Atwells (opposite Salmon), Manton opposite Julian, 610 Manton, Manton before Ridgeway, Manton before Glenbridge, Manton after Fairfield, 588 Manton, Manton before Raritan, Manton after Sisson, Manton after Delaine, Manton & Chalkstone, Manton & Chalkstone (opposite 871 Manton), Manton before Westcott, Manton after Fruit Hill, 770 Manton, Manton before Baltimore, 757 Manton, Manton opposite Baltimore, 652 Manton
Gas station
Maranatha Tabernacle Church of God
Family Dollar
Fast Food