Point Judith Road

Point Judith Road is an asphalted street in Narragansett. In the area there are, inter alia, 21 bus stops and a restaurant.

Pin to show location on the map Point Judith Road

type of road
Federal highway
Bus stop
Point Judith opposite Sunset, Point Judith before Salt Pond Plaza, Point Judith after Sunnybrook Farm, Opposite 707 Point Judith, Point Judith opposite Sunnybrook Farm, Point Judith after Westmoreland, Point Judith after Martin, 90 Point Judith, Point Judith opposite Old Point Judith, Point Judith after Manning, Point Judith after Lindsley, Point Judith before Knowlesway, Point Judith after Windermere, Point Judith after Knowlesway, Point Judith before Old Point Judith, Point Judith after Palm Beach, Point Judith after Foddering Farm, 290 Point Judith, Point Judith opposite Saltaire, Point Judith after Schooner Cove, Point Judith after Salty Acres
Salon Séna
Fast Food
Casa Pizza
Schwabby's Wine & Spirits