Fairfield Road

Fairfield Road is a country or state road with an allowed speed of 60 in Brisbane City.

Pin to show location on the map Fairfield Road

type of road
Country or state road
Maximum speed
Yeerongpilly, Yeronga
Bus stop
Fairfield Road at Ortive Street stop 33, Fairfield Road at Fairfield - Ortive stop 33, Fairfield Road at Ovendean Street stop 21, Fairfield Road at Fairfield - Venner stop 20, Fairfield Rd near Ashby St, stop 18a, Ovendean Street, Fairfield Rd near Ashby St, stop 19, Fairfield Rd at Victoria Street, stop 16a, Fairfield Rd at Brougham Street, stop 17A, Fairfield Road at Fairfield Park stop 15a, Fairfield Rd at Fenton Street, stop 14a, Fairfield Road at Princess Street stop 13a
Yeronga-Moorooka Bikeway map
Fast Food
3 Black Bears
Gas station