32 Road

32 Road is an asphalted street with a maximum speed of 45 mph with four lanes, also known as State Highway 141 in Clifton. In the area there are, inter alia, ten bus stops.

Pin to show location on the map 32 Road

State Highway 141
type of road
Federal highway
Maximum speed
45 mph
Bus stop
32 Road north of Kennedy Avenue, 32 Road north of Candlewood (C & F Food Store), 32 Road north of D ½ Road, 32 Road and Hill Avenue, 32 Road north of E Road (Corner Store), 32 Road and Elm Avenue, 32 Road south of Patterson Road (Clifton Library), 32 Road south of D ½ Road, Clifton Transfer Station (32 Road and I-70 Business Loop), 32 Road south of Candlewood
Car repair
Scott's Grand Junction Auto
Mesa County Library Clifton Branch