15th Avenue South

15th Avenue South is a street with two lanes in Gulfport. In the area there are, inter alia, 20 bus stops.

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type of road
District road
Bus stop
15th Street South & 61st Avenue South, 15th Avenue South & 60th Street South, Gulfport Boulevard South & 15th Avenue South, 15th Avenue South & Freemont Street South, 15th Avenue South & 62nd Street South, 15th Avenue South & Gray Street South, 15th Avenue South & 61st Street South, 15th Avenue South & 59th Street South, 15th Avenue South & 58 Street South, 15th Avenue South & 51th Street South, 15th Avenue South & 51st Street South, 15th Avenue South & 54th Street South, 15th Avenue South & 55th Street South, 15th Avenue South & 52nd Street South, 15th Avenue South & 49th Street South, 15th Avenue South & Gulfport Boulevard South, 15th Avenue South & 58th Street South, 15th Avenue South & 56th Street South, 15th Avenue South & York Street Street South, 15th Avenue South & 57th Street South
Sun Coast
Fast Food
Fazios Pizza and Subs