49th Street South

49th Street South is a street with a maximum speed of 30 mph with two lanes in Gulfport. In the area there are 15 bus stops and a school.

Pin to show location on the map 49th Street South

type of road
District road
Maximum speed
30 mph
Bus stop
49th Street South & 14th Avenue South, 49th Street South & Jersey Avenue South, 49th Street South & 9th Avenue South, 49th Street South & 26th Avenue South, 49th Street South & 24th Avenue South, 49th Street South & 25th Avenue South, 49th Street South & 27th Avenue South, 28th Avenue South & 49th Street South, 49th Street South & 12th Avenue South, 49th Street South & 20th Avenue South, 49th Street South & Tangerine Avenue South, 49th Street South & Newton Avenue South, 49th Street South & 16th Avenue South, 49th Street South & 17th Avenue South, 49th Street South & 15th Avenue South
Faith Preschool