South Pinellas Avenue

South Pinellas Avenue is an asphalted street with a maximum speed of 40 mph with two lanes in Tarpon Springs. In the area there are 19 bus stops.

Pin to show location on the map South Pinellas Avenue

type of road
Country or state road
Maximum speed
40 mph
Bus stop
Pinellas Avenue South & Lime Street West, Pinellas Avenue South & Oakwood Street West, Pinellas Avenue South & Lime Street East, Pinellas Avenue South & Court Street East, Pinellas Avenue South & Martin Luther King Drive East, Pinellas Avenue South & Meres Boulevard, Pinellas Avenue South & Morgan Street West, Pinellas Avenue South & Martin Luther King Drive West, Pinellas Avenue South & Safford Avenue, Pinellas Avenue South & Klosterman Road East, Pinellas Avenue South & Terrace Road, Pinellas Avenue South & Country Club Court, Pinellas Avenue South & #1323, Pinellas Avenue South & Greeb Dolphin Boulevard, Pinellas Avenue South & #1685, Pinellas Avenue South & Curlew Place, Pinellas Avenue South & Saint Andrews Drive, Pinellas Avenue South & Eleanor Street, Pinellas Avenue South & #1810