Lyndale Avenue South

Lyndale Avenue South is a street in Richfield. In the area there are, inter alia, 18 bus stops, a restaurant and a cafe.

Pin to show location on the map Lyndale Avenue South

type of road
Country or state road
Bus stop
77 St W, 75 St W, 76 St W, 71 St W, 72 St W, 73 St W, 74 St W, 70 St W, Oak Grove Blvd, 63 St W, 69 St W, Lake Shore Dr, 68 St W, 67 St W, 66 Street West, 65 St W, 64 St W, 65 Street West
Noodles & Company
Fast Food
Boston Market, Einstein Bros. Bagels, Sarpino's Pizzeria