Atwells Avenue

Atwells Avenue is an asphalted street with a maximum speed of 25 mph in Providence. In the area there are, inter alia, 25 bus stops and a restaurant.

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type of road
Country or state road
Maximum speed
25 mph
Fast Food
Dunkin', Subway
Bus stop
Atwells before Putnam, Atwells before Carleton, Atwells after Carleton, Atwells opposite Julian, Atwells before Cutler, Atwells after Cutler, Eagle Square (Atwells & Valley), Atwells after Ames, Atwells opposite Knight, Atwells after Eagle, Atwells after Enterprise, Atwells & Dean, Atwells before De Pasquale, Atwells before Bond, Atwells before Knight, Atwells before Hewitt, Atwells before Ames, Atwells after Broadway, Atwells after Pequot, Atwells opposite Enterprise, Atwells before Harris, Atwells after Harris, Atwells before Sutton, Atwells after Sutton, Atwells opposite De Pasquale
PVD Campus Parking 1
Holy Ghost Church
Al Son de Mi Barrio