Douglas Avenue

Douglas Avenue is an asphalted street with a maximum speed of 25 mph in Providence. In the area there are, inter alia, 27 bus stops.

Pin to show location on the map Douglas Avenue

cycle path
type of road
Federal highway
Maximum speed
25 mph
Alpha and Omega Deaf Church, Sons of Jacob Synagogue, Chapel of the Holy Spirit
Ladder 133
Bus stop
Douglas & Eaton, Douglas after Sherwood, Douglas & Eaton (opposite Suffolk), Douglas before Atlas, Douglas before Ainsworth, Douglas before Lubec, Douglas opposite Seamans, Douglas after River, Douglas before River, Douglas opposite Crimea, Douglas opposite Mansfield, Douglas before Chalkstone, Douglas before Bernon, Douglas before Admiral, Douglas opposite Coggeshall, Douglas before Lancashire, Douglas after Damon, Douglas after Corina, Opposite 623 Douglas, Douglas opposite Goddard, Douglas before Orms, Douglas & Veazie, Douglas opposite Sherwood, Douglas after Berkshire, Douglas before Mowry, Douglas opposite Berkshire, Douglas after Chad Brown
Rhode Island Jewish Museum